Marine Gangway’s, a divison of Remmel Enterprises, Inc., fabrication and machine shop can custom
design and manufacture aluminum or steel platforms, walkways, gangways and more, to fit any need.
All we need are your needs and visions, a little imagination, and abracadabra, its ready for use.
Give us a call if we can help.
There are a multitude of other unique and interesting projects we have designed and built. We just
love a challenge. Check out these next few examples of what we did and can possibly do for your
Our Manufacturing Team has been designing and building aluminum marine gangways
for 18 years. From the simple “Beam” Style Gangways that go from 10 feet long to 30 feet long
and up to 26” wide.
To the more complex “Truss” Style Gangways that go up to 70 feet long and 36” wide.

We also manufacture a marine product called a Bulwark ladder. Quite handy when you
need to walk over a handrail or bulkhead
From our Marine Division we were able to branch out. So, with a little more
imagination we were able to design and manufacture “one of a kind” access platforms to reach all
kinds of unique situations.
From This:

To This:

Plus we added these…
Four Rolling Platforms so our customer could get to the underside of their turbines with ease.
Then, we received a call from someone that needed a 70 foot bridge built to go over a water
filled ditch. So, we designed and built this...

It only took them three hours to install the entire bridge.
Once the word got out that we make unique and one of a kind access platforms,
someone else needed one to go around a huge turret jig. No problem, we made them one of these...
Well, as luck would have it we were asked to make a few specialty ladders to access a hard to
get to area in their plant. So, they bought 9 of these...
Our sales team got another strange request. A customer needed a rolling cart that would support
2600 pounds dead load, not deflect, and still be able to be pushed around by one person. We
designed and built them one of these:
And it Worked!
There are a multitude of other unique and interesting projects we have designed
and built. We just love a challenge. Check out these next few examples of what we did and can
possibly do for your situation.
This one had to bend around a handrail
We had to go up high and support a lot of weight. 800 pounds without deflection. Right now this
is on a barge in the China Sea.
We made this one fold up. Worked like a charm.
Need folding handrails? No Problem
Well, he had to get up to the crane

Call 281-470-7200 or contact us